What Is Content Readability and Who Defines It?

What Is Content Readability and Who Defines It?

Most of us think something is readable if we enjoy it. We want a piece to have a beginning, middle, and end, preferably in that order. If it’s fictional, we want it to be about people we care about or like. Sometimes, it’s a book you just happen to come across or a title or a cover that drew you in, and you couldn’t leave till you finished the story. Sometimes, it’s something so powerful that you simply can’t let it go. However, these qualities aren’t the only kinds of readability.

When it comes to getting your law firm website to rank, content readability is an important factor. Search engines analyze readability and reward it. In other words, they rank (and put at the top of the SERPs) the articles that have the features the engine thinks will make a reader stick to the end. Aside from all the other things the contributed to readability, being current and up-to-date is one of the most important factors. Keeping your firm’s website current and up-to-date with content that people want to read will go a long way to keeping you high on that first results page.

Do We Know It When We See It?

One of the ways a search engine defines readability is by determining how long a reader stays in place before sliding on to the next result. It doesn’t just matter how many people click on your page; it matters how long they stay after they get there. There are ways to encourage them to stick around, such as with video and audio content and eye-catching graphics. Paying attention to these things takes more time than simply reading – or not reading – whatever copy you’ve offered. Still, words are usually far less expensive than sound, pictures, and graphics, so it is very much worth your time to offer the best and most readable content you can provide.

Key Readability Factors

Factors that Google will focus on when deciding the readability of your page include:

Sentence Length & Variety

You want short sentences but with some variation in their length and style. Avoid unnecessary or overly formal words. Additionally, it’s better not to crowd your text with words like “actually” and “usually,” which give you no value for the space. Avoid using too many adjectives and consider breaking up long, complicated sentences.

Structure & Style

Again, short sentences are vital. Each sentence should have a subject and a verb – preferably in that order. Make sure to include graphics and video here as well. They are supporting tools and hold your visitors. Avoid fussy fonts.

Paragraph Length and Formatting

Use short paragraphs made up of short sentences. Readable paragraphs are usually 5 or 6 lines long. Use a title and subtitles. Bullet points are your best friends, and you should always try to include at least one. Don’t forget to include keywords. You’ll want to put them in subtitles as well as in your paragraphs and try to repeat them without sounding like you’re just adding keywords.

Make It Work for You

All of these factors and more can make your website attractive and engaging to readers. You can contact us to help you provide the most readable copy for your website. We will even provide a free sample, marketing written expressly for you to help you decide how best to move forward with your legal content.

Best Practices in Law Firm Content Marketing

two people collaborating on paperwork

It’s increasingly important for solo attorneys and law firms to establish their brands in the digital market. Many are using advanced SEO tehchniques to get themselves to the top of the SERPs. Most are also using social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to get the word out about their services, expertise, and success.

Are Your Marketing Strategies Working for You?

Numerous attorneys and law firms still don’t generate the website traffic or leads they need to make their efforts worthwhile. New clients are few and far between. They begin to wonder why the competition is getting ahead while they fall behind. 

Consider your growth rate. Are your marketing strategies working for you? What about your content marketing strategy? If you want potential clients to view you as the authority in your area of legal practice, you must provide persuasive content to readers. Content that isn’t convincing could send them the other way as they might wonder if you are reputable. 

However, you’re in business to practice law. It’s where your skills and passion are focused. You didn’t go to school to write content and market your services all day. If this sounds familiar, it’s probably time to enlist the services of an experienced law firm web marketing agency that can help you craft engaging, high-value content. Not only can this allow you to keep your focus on your practice, but it will also attract more potential clients.

What a Law Firm Content Marketing Agency Can Do for You

Creating, promoting, and distributing content is essential for success in today’s legal environment. However, giving your clients the time and attention they need is also crucial. You don’t need any distractions. With the help of a well-versed content and marketing team, you can take a passive role in driving traffic to your website and growing your practice.

Five Best Practices in Law Firm Content Marketing

Align Your Content Strategy with Your Business Goals

If you want more clients, you must have a content strategy that supports your business development goals. Potential clients need to see that you have a clear vision and a particular focus. If your business goal is to help personal injury clients, but your content focuses on family law, it won’t get you any closer to meeting your goal. The content published on your website must be fine-tuned to your marketing strategy. 

Add Value, Not Just Words

Before publishing anything, you should check to see that your content meets these three standards:

  • It adds value
  • It’s helpful to the reader
  • It’s customer-centric

Don’t publish content just to publish content. Provide your potential clients with content that demonstrates your competence. Ensure that it effectively demonstrates your expertise in your field of law and that it’s backed up by facts.

You should also stick to layman’s terms. In general, it’s best to stay away from legal jargon that might confuse or intimidate a reader.

Engage Your Firm’s Attorneys

Law firms should involve their attorneys in their content marketing efforts. Since they are the ones that potential clients will be working with, use their knowledge and experience to make your content comprehensive and tailored to your specific niche. 

In addition to being on your firm’s website, your copy should be posted on the firm’s attorneys’ social media profiles. Make it a priority to train your lawyers to use social media platforms to publicize your law firm’s content. 

Don’t Forget Hashtags

If one of your goals is to increase the visibility of your posted content, don’t forget to use hashtags when posting on social media. The key is to use relevant and trending hashtags. Search engine tools such as hashtagify.me can help you find the right ones to use. 

Although it might be tempting to use general words or come up with your own hashtags, avoid doing so as it makes it harder for your audience to find the content. Also, beware that you could lose some readers by using too many hashtags on a single piece of content.

Keep it Interesting

Legal content can easily be mundane and pendantic , but you don’t have to fit into this mold with your content. Discuss new case law and use your creativity. Think about your audience’s interests, and don’t simply focus on what you can gain from content marketing. Infographics are a proven way to engage with readers across all social media platforms. They can improve your SEO ranking and drive more traffic to your content.

While we hope you find these tips helpful to your content marketing strategy, we also know that they may feel a bit overwhelming with everything else your role requires. We founded Lexicon Legal Content to help attorneys and law firms meet their marketing goals while still remaining focused on providing quality legal services to their clients. 

You can count on our attorney-led team of legal writers to handle your blogging and other content needs. Our content is authoritative, timely, and ethics-compliant to maximize its effectiveness and minimize the time and effort required from you. Find out more about our services by speaking to one of our marketing experts. Call our office today at 877-488-8123 or contact us online.

Law Blogs 101

Scrabble tiles spelling out the word "blog"

Law firm management has slowly evolved to include much more than traditional everyday business tasks. In addition to representing their clients, today’s busy attorneys in small or mid-size firms often must troubleshoot IT problems, participate in professional networking, meet current CLE requirements, and market their law firms so that they can be found in a highly competitive legal market. While innovative and well-researched marketing techniques do wonders for most lawyers, the options for and complexities of marketing a law firm in the 21st century only compound the stress that many lawyers experience running their firms.

Continue reading “Law Blogs 101”

Marketing Ethics for Attorneys: 2021 and Beyond

A graphic of a person using a phone infront of various legal icons

The Internet has fundamentally changed the way that people seek and evaluate professional services, including legal services. Increasing brand awareness, acquiring new customers, and achieving financial goals rely heavily on a law firm’s advertising and marketing efforts. Competition among law firms in in all practice areas increases daily. An understanding of the basics of a competitive marketplace is critical for firms that desire to grow.

Continue reading “Marketing Ethics for Attorneys: 2021 and Beyond”

What is the Legal Authority for Public Health Orders?

A woman in a surgical mask

Typically, the government cannot restrict a person’s liberty without due process of law – which usually means a criminal proceeding ending in a finding of guilt. But in recent days, we’ve heard about cruise ships being kept from coming into port and people placed in quarantine. So what is the legal authority for the federal government to restrict travel and deny citizens the ability to enter the country in light of a public health crisis like the one we are currently facing?

The Commerce Clause

The federal government derives its power to place people in to quarantine and isolation from the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution. This clause grants the federal government the power to regulate commerce between the states, and the power has been broadly defined to allow regulation of issues that may affect commerce between the United States. There is little doubt that a pandemic such as the one threatened by the COVID-19 outbreak could affect interstate commerce, making it well within the purview of federal regulation authorized by the commerce clause.

The Public Health Service ACt

Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S. Code § 264) authorizes the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services to take measures to prevent the entry and spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries into the United States and between states. The authority to carry these functions out has been delegated to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Role of the CDC

Federal regulations authorize the CDC to detain, examine, and release individuals arriving in the country and between states who are suspected of carrying communicable diseases.  When the agency is informed about an ill passenger or crew member on an airplane or a ship, it may detain individuals to determine whether the illness was caused by a communicable disease and take further action if it is deemed necessary.

States Authority to Issue Public Health Orders

States have the authority to protect public safety through their police power and have laws in place that authorize them to take steps to control the spread of disease through isolation and quarantine. 

In Practice, Public Health Actions are a Joint Effort

In many cases, public health orders involving efforts to stop the spread of communicable diseases in the United States are a joint effort that involve federal and state efforts. Often, public health authorities work with local law enforcement to enforce public health orders.

Need Legal Content? Call Us  Today

At Lexicon Legal Content, we’re committed to creating legal content that will connect with your potential clients and explain complicated legal issues in a straightforward way. To learn more about our services, call us today or contact us online.

5 Legal Content Marketing Trends to Look for in 2024

A person using a pen to point at a pie chart displayed on a tablet.2024 is the year to get serious about your legal content marketing. Content is the foundation of your online presence, and in our hyper-connected world, content that connects you with your potential clients can increase awareness and generate new business.

Here are five key legal content marketing trends that you can’t afford to ignore in 2019.

Continue reading “5 Legal Content Marketing Trends to Look for in 2024”

Will 2017 See the End of Live Chat Pop-Ups?

A cursory search of the internet will establish that significant percentage of law firm websites greet their visitors with a pop-up window that offers to connect them with a live representative.

While live chat has the potential to increase the percentage of website visitors that become paying clients, they can also be annoying to users and now could have a negative impact on your site’s rankings in the SERPs. These types of pop-ups, known as “interstitials,” often cover up the main content of the site and can be difficult for users on mobile devices to dismiss.

Late last summer, Google announced that websites that use interstitials may not rank as highly after January 10th of this year. Specifically, the search engine stated that:

Pages that show intrusive interstitials provide a poorer experience to users than other pages where content is immediately accessible. This can be problematic on mobile devices where screens are often smaller. To improve the mobile search experience, after January 10, 2017, pages where content is not easily accessible to a user on the transition from the mobile search results may not rank as highly.”

An Intrusive Pop-Up

Blog Pic 2
An Intrusive Standalone Interstitial

Blog Pic 3
Another Example of an Intrusive Standalone Interstitial









(Source: https://webmasters.googleblog.com/2016/08/helping-users-easily-access-content-on.html)

There are some situations in which a site could continue to use interstitials and not be affected by the change. These include the following:

  • An age verification pop-up
  • Logins on sites where the content is behind a paywall
  • Banners that use a reasonable amount of space and are dismissed easily

How to Keep Your Potential Clients Engaged

Of course, one of the main benefits of offering live chat is user engagement and setting an appointment so that visitors become paying clients. Importantly, this update does not mean that lawyers should not offer live chat – they simply need to not do so with a pop-up that covers up their content.

This new ranking signal is consistent with Google’s focus on rewarding sites that provide content that is useful for people searching the web. As content is critical to both search engine rankings and the impression that your potential clients get when they visit your site, it is important for attorneys to ensure that the content on their site is well-written, compelling, and provides site visitors answers to their questions.

Call Lexicon Legal Content Today to Discuss the Content on Your Law Firm’s Website

The content on your website has a direct impact on your site’s position in the search results. Unfortunately for busy practicing attorneys, creating a consistent stream of high-quality, informative, and useful content takes a significant investment of time. The team of professional legal blog writers at Lexicon Legal Content is available to provide your firm or marketing agency with content in a variety of formats that will provide value to your readers and improve the quality of your site. To learn more about our services, call us today at 314.691.8602 or contact us online.

How Law Firms Can Reach Potential Clients through Content Marketing

Macbook content writingDigital marketing for lawyers and law firms is becoming increasingly competitive, and gone are the days that an attorney could simply put up a website and wait for the phone to ring. Between professionally-managed search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, pay-per-click ads, and well-placed banner advertising, law firms need to engage in a wide variety of online marketing efforts in order to keep up with their competition.


Content marketing is the creation and circulation of original content that is of interest to your clients. Content can take a wide variety of formats, including blogs, videos, infographics, and E-Books, and the appropriate format will depend on a variety of factors, including the information you would to share and your target audience. For example, a list of personal injury accident statistics may be well-suited to an infographic, while a guide detailing the steps to take after a car accident would likely make an excellent E-Book.

The benefits of content marketing are myriad. Best of all, if you choose to create your content yourself, it can be free. For example, writing a blog post about potential consequences of a sex crime conviction and sharing it on your firm’s social media account will only cost you time. Furthermore, adding unique, keyword-rich content to has been explicitly identified by Google as a significant factor in the way a site ranks for certain keywords.

Outsourcing Content Marketing is an Option for Busy Lawyers

As an attorney, your focus should be on practicing law. With court dates, client meetings, legal research, and document drafting, many lawyers do not have the time to create high-quality, compelling, and informative content on a regular basis. In addition, it is important to keep in mind that the way that you write for the court is not necessarily what your clients or Google want to see. Fortunately, there is help available and freelance writers or a company like ours can provide content that will interest your potential clients and improve your site’s ranking.

It is important to keep in mind, however, that like with anything else, you get what you pay for. While you may be able to outsource content creation to India for pennies per word, the quality will likely suffer, especially for legal content. More importantly, as your firm’s site is an advertisement, it is subject to the advertising ethics rules in your jurisdiction. As a result, posting inaccurate content on your site or content that violates advertising rules could even result in an ethics complaint.

At Lexicon Legal Content, our team of attorney-writers generates high-quality and compelling content in a variety of formats, including blogs, practice area pages, press releases, and E-Books for lawyers, law firms, and law firm marketers. To learn more about how we can help you grow your practice or improve your clients’ online presence, call us today at 314-691-8602 or send us an email through our online contact from.

What to Post on Your Law Firm’s Blog

By now, you have likely heard of the way in which blogging can improve your law firm’s ability to reach clients who are searching for the services you offer. While starting a blog is fairly easy, maintaining it can be extremely time-consuming. Not only do you need to actually write and post the content, you also need to come up with subject to write about. While the law is voluminous, it is unlikely that people who are looking for you are searching for information about the difference between res judicata and collateral estoppel.

Here are some of the types of blogs that we generate for our clients.

Legal blog writersInformational Pieces

People who need legal advice or representation often start with a question. Some examples of questions that potential clients may ask include:

  • What are the Penalties for a first-time DUI?
  • Can I File a Lawsuit after a Slip and Fall?
  • Should I File for Bankruptcy?

Let these types of queries inform the topics you choose to write about. Keep in mind that while your titles can be in the form of a question, they do not have to be, and should try and include keywords for which your clients may be searching.

Firm News

Firm news is another source of material for your blog. If the rules in your jurisdiction permit it, use notable case results or victories to promote your firm. Also, discuss events like new hires, office moves, speaking engagements, event sponsorships, or community outreach.

News Stories Related to Your Practice Area

Finally, you should look to news stories that are relevant to your practice area. These stories could be local but need not be. For example, if you are a personal injury attorney, a multi-vehicle accident may provide a good opportunity to discuss the complexities of proving causation. Similarly, if your main area of practice is in criminal defense, blogging about publicized DUI checkpoints would be of interest to your potential clients and provide an opportunity to use keywords related to your practice.

Call Us Today to Learn More about out Legal Content Marketing Services

Maintaining a legal blog requires significant effort and research, and as a busy practicing attorney, your time is extremely valuable. The legal blog writers at Lexicon Legal Content are available to develop well-written, shareable, and compelling legal content that will help your potential clients find you online. To learn more, call us today at 314.691.8602 or contact us online.




Trouble Thinking of Topics for Your Law Firm’s Blog? Your Clients may have the Answers

Question markWhen attorneys contact us for help with their website content, one of the more common issues we hear is that they simply do not know what they should be writing about. Of course, lawyers are highly-trained professionals who often engage in writing, whether it be a brief, a motion, or written communication with a client or an adverse party. Unfortunately, this is not the kind of writing that makes for good blog entries.

Your Legal Blog is a Powerful Marketing Tool

What is the point of blogging? Ultimately, your blog should be generating new business, and will do so by driving more traffic to your site. Regular blogging can drive new traffic in two distinct ways:


  • It can increase your search engine rank for certain keywords, increasing the likelihood that a potential client seeking legal services in your practice areas will visit your site.
  • If you share your blog posts through social media and other channels and get it in front of people who may need your services, it can increase the direct traffic to your site.

As a result, your blog topics should be informative, targeted at your potential clients, and have a title that makes people want to read more. To come up with ideas for what you should blog about, just think about the questions your clients regularly ask. Of course, these will be different for every practice area, but some examples of good topics include:

  • Will my personal injury lawsuit go to trial?
  • What are the potential penalties for a 1st time DUI?
  • Can I write my own will?
  • Will filing for bankruptcy ruin my credit?

If you clients have asked you these questions in the past, chances are that potential clients are currently asking Google the same question. By providing answers to these questions for free, you can increase the chances that people will retain you for further counsel and representation.

Our Legal Blog Writers can Help

Finding topics for your blog is just one aspect of maintaining an effective legal blog – you also have to write the entry, optimize it, post it, and distribute the post so that people actually have an opportunity to read it. This can be extremely time-consuming and pull you away from actually practicing law. Fortunately, we are here to help. Our team of legal copywriters can manage every aspect of your blog on your behalf and regularly work in jurisdictions throughout the United States across all practice areas.

To learn more about our services and for samples of our work, call Lexicon Legal Content today.